A series of seminars covering key topics in the alternative reinsurance market
The alternative reinsurance market is recovering its strength in 2021 after a quiet couple of years.
Cat bonds are providing reinsurance and retro buyers with a buoyant source of capacity, helping them to manage their needs in a rising market.
Many ILS managers have benefited from post-Covid investor interest in alternatives and grown their assets under management notably, boosting the segment after an initial pandemic drop-off in funds. But with strong competition for new fundraising wins, firms are looking for fresh ways to differentiate themselves.
As the run-up to the Florida June renewals gathers pace, Trading Risk will host a week of sessions diving into the factors influencing the ILS market, from delving into the retro market to delivering on ESG ambitions to capitalising on the pace of change brought about by the pandemic.
Each day will feature panel debates as well as Q&A with key industry players over a 90-minute session that lets you carve out a manageable chunk of your day to further your understanding of this fast-changing market.
The short-form sessions will have something for both ILS market participants, cedants, and investors.
Burkhard Keese
Andrew Brooks
Day One - April 26th
Opening up after Covid: how long will the good times last?
14:00 - 14:50
Panel discussion: State of the Market
15:00 - 15:30
Fireside Chat with Dr Lixin Zeng, Managing Partner & CIO, Integral ILS
Day Two - April 27th
Lloyd's & ILS
14:00 - 14:45
Presentations followed by Q&A: Lloyd’s & ILS
Topics Include:
14:50 - 15:30
Panel discussion: Lloyd’s & The Investor Perspective
Day Three - April 28th
ILS Reshaping
14:00 - 14:50
Panel discussion: Future ILS Structures
Speakers Include:
Topics Include:
15:00 - 15:15
Fireside chat with Yaniv Bertele (Co-founder and CEO, Vesttoo): A practical approach to extending the ILS market beyond cat risks
Yaniv Bertele, Co-founder and CEO, Vesttoo
16:00 – 18:10
Marketplace Event hosted by Lloyd’s, in association with Trading Risk ILS Week 2021
Opening this event is Mark Dyson, Chief Tax Officer and Head of Member Relations at Lloyd's and Katherine Coates, Partner at Clifford Chance who will deep-dive into the new investment platform at Lloyd’s, London Bridge Risk PCC. This will include a Q&A chaired by Fiona Robertson, Managing Editor at Trading Risk.
During the second part of the event you will have the opportunity to explore the Marketplace and meet with representatives in private, one-to-one, virtual rooms. You can register and book these sessions using the link below.
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Day Four - April 29th
14:00 - 14:50
Panel discussion: ILS and ESG: Applying ESG considerations to your ILS portfolio
Speakers include:
Topics include:
For sponsorship packages, contact
Katy Pieris: katy.pieris@euromoneyplc.com | +447764992713